
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under agreement No 945275

Including Safety Condenser (SACO) and Containment Wall Condenser (CWC) to future generations of nuclear power plant (NPP) are possible options to potentially increase safety and resilience during a Station Blackout (SBO) given that they do not need any external electrical power supply to operate. Furthermore, passive systems can provide an interesting alternative to active systems in terms of capital installation and maintenance costs. Several sources agree that the introduction of innovative passive systems significantly lower the core damage frequency (CDF) of nuclear power plants.


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Assessment of TRACE code for modeling of passive safety system during long transient SBO via PKL/SACO facility
Frequency and amplitude of flashing-induced instability in an open natural circulation loop
PASTELS project - overall progress of the project on experimental and numerical activities on passive safety systems
TRACE code simulation of the interaction between reactor coolant system and containment building with passive heat removal system